• 14.10.2024
• 14.10.2024
The current version of ExpressIF® has a new active learning algorithm that even recommends the next...
Electric reflectometry could bring new capabilities to intrusion detection, energy storage system mo...
The current version of ExpressIF® has a new active learning algorithm that even recommends the next experiment
Read moreElectric reflectometry could bring new capabilities to intrusion detection, energy storage system monitoring, and fire detection.
Read moreResearchers at CEA-List demonstrated a distributed perception chain integrated into a Twizy electric vehicle on a smart parking use case.
Read moreCEA-List has developed a runtime safety supervision environment for autonomous systems built using AI.
Read moreThe robotic controllers on the market today do not generally offer the interfaces and operating modes needed for CEA-List’s and partners’ teleoperation, cobotics, and robotics R&D.
Read moreVxP is the first generic processor to natively support extended-precision arithmetic up to 512 bits of mantissa
Read moreThe current version of ExpressIF® has a new active learning algorithm that even recommends the next experiment
Read moreElectric reflectometry could bring new capabilities to intrusion detection, energy storage system monitoring, and fire detection.
Read moreResearchers at CEA-List demonstrated a distributed perception chain integrated into a Twizy electric vehicle on a smart parking use case.
Read moreCEA-List has developed a runtime safety supervision environment for autonomous systems built using AI.
Read moreThe robotic controllers on the market today do not generally offer the interfaces and operating modes needed for CEA-List’s and partners’ teleoperation, cobotics, and robotics R&D.
Read moreThe purpose of the EURATOM Micado project was to develop a fast, non-destructive, cost-effective radioactive waste characterization solution, orchestrated by the DigiWaste waste management and reporting platform.
Read moreA collaboration with Thales has enabled CEA-List to design innovative methods for certifying safety products.
Read moreOne of the main obstacles to the massive end-to-end digitalization of business processes is the continuity of data from the field to the cloud.
Read moreCAISAR (Characterizing Artificial Intelligence Safety and Robustness) is an end-to-end open source software environment for AI system specification and verification.
Read morePapyrus4Manufacturing can be used to model and deploy digital interfaces in factories as part of projects to roll out the digital, connected plant assets required for production line reconfiguration, supervision, and predictive maintenance.
Read moreThe purpose of the e-Meuse Santé project with Barle-Duc Medical Center is to bring digital innovations that will improve access to healthcare in rural areas in eastern France.
Read moreCEA-List and Université Grenoble Alpes have developed the first-ever software security analysis technique capable of simulating a powerful attacker at scale.
Read moreCEA-List’s Cobomanip cobot, developed over a decade of R&D, gives operators precision load[1]handling assistance in complex environments.
Read moreWhen it comes to consensus-based distributed systems like the most recent blockchain protocols, innovative formal specification and verification methods can help increase trust.
Read moreAn extremely wide variety of potential driving scenarios makes it notoriously difficult to guarantee the safety of autonomous vehicles.
Read moreNew computing paradigms will require appropriate programming, verification, and code analysis tools.
Read moreThe CEA-List institute is part of the scientific committee of upcoming CIMI thematic trimester dedicated to recent developments and challenges of high-dimensional statistical inference & machine learning.
Read moreCEA-List, a pioneer in blockchain research, is helping to guarantee the reliability of energy-efficient proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms. This research responds to demand among CEA-List partners for solutions to help them reduce their environmental impacts.
Read moreNeuroCorgi: An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) for embedded AI that cuts power consumption 1,000-fold
Read moreElectronic waste is one of the major issues around rapid global digital growth.
Read morePixano data annotation software for computer vision systems recently got some new features that will improve training data quality.
Read moreCEA-List is developing frameworks capable of protecting the privacy of the personal data used to train artificial intelligence models without sacrificing models accuracy or performance.
Read moreCEA-List is coordinating an EU project called MERGING (Manipulation Enhancement through Robotic Guidance and Intelligent Novel Grippers) to develop tools to make universally dextrous systems for robots.
Read moreAI models are rapidly making inroads into a wide range of industrial use cases. CEA-List has developed automated testing software called AIMOS that leverages formal methods to make reliability testing simpler and easier. The software was developed under the multi-partner Confiance.ai trustworthy AI program, part of the “France 2030” national investment plan.
Read moreThe “VXP” is an extended precision computing accelerator developed by CEA-List that speeds up scientific computing by a factor typically ranging from 3 to 10 or even more.
Read moreHow can you know if there is a crack in a pipe at a nuclear power plant? Or if there’s a problem with the fuselage of an aircraft?
Read moreCEA-List, a center for advanced research and development in robotics and artificial intelligence, introduced the Carnot Robot Compagnon cobotics project in 2021 to help make factories more flexible and agile.
Read moreGovernment contracts processing: CEA-List is using its natural language processing and requirements engineering tools to help make the bid submission process more efficient.
Read moreResearchers at CEA-List worked with a team at CEA-IRFM to develop simulation and virtual reality technologies to evaluate part replacement scenarios.
Read moreResearchers at CEA-List brought their unique expertise to a new neural-network-based image analysis solution that successfully tracked soccer players in short video clips.
Read moreCEA-List provides strategic support to the Software Heritage Foundation, a multi-stakeholder nonprofit that is building a universal software archive.
Read moreCEA-List developed an AI-powered letter writing assistant and handed it off to France’s consumer protection agency.
Read moreCEA-List came up with the PREDIRE inspection system after being contacted by SARP for a solution in 2014. The smart wireless crawling drone is the ideal addition to the conventional—and more limited—video inspection techniques that have been used for a decade.
Read moreNeural network AIs are making inroads into autonomous vehicles, image and language processing, and a host of other use cases—some of which require a high degree of reliability. CEA-List developed a tool called PyRAT that ensures neural network AIs are robust enough to be implemented in critical systems.
Read moreCEA-List recently came up with a method for selecting the most suitable existing neural network for adaptation and reuse for new target applications. This advance makes it possible to train classification neural networks, or CNNs, without subject matter expertise or large datasets.
Read moreCEA-List has developed a new multimode method to improve the quality controls performed on the conductive inks used to make printed electronics. The goal is to help make sure the finished products operate as intended long after they are manufactured.
Read moreCEA-List developed a real-time livestock monitoring system that leverages the analysis of video streams to identify individual animals and specific behaviors that can indicate disease or whether an animal is in heat, for example.
Read moreThe VMachina 2 project has resulted in the development of a multi-user virtual reality platform for training industrial operators on machines and other job tasks.
Read moreCEA-List developed a comprehensive workstation ergonomics assessment tool that analyzes the worker’s posture and effort to rate how difficult a job is. The tool was developed as part of the Ergoforce project at FactoryLab.
Read moreFederated learning: CEA-List’s new platform offers a range of innovative tools partners can use to train their models while maintaining a very high level of data security. The platform will be constantly updated with advanced modules to handle heterogeneous data and improve cybersecurity.
Read moreSecure cloud solution provider Scille turned to CEA-List for help protecting data in unsecured areas of the cloud. The institute developed a blockchain-based tool to make Scille’s Parsec cloud workspace more robust.
Read moreBlockchains will have to be able to communicate with each other if the development of the technology is to pick up speed. Blockchain startup Toposware joined forces with CEA-List to develop a blockchain interoperability protocol that does away with a central authority.
Read moreCEA-List recently developed a new tool to help medical physicists predict the validity of conformal radiotherapy protocols faster. This solution can even eliminate the initial quality control step in some cases while still ensuring optimal patient safety.
Read moreResistive Random Access Memory (ReRAM) is a type of emerging Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) that scales easily to lower process geometries for future embedded NVM applications. Because of its simple structure, a ReRAM cell is small, fast, easy to stack, and consumes extremely low power.
Read moreTiny RAPTOR is a complete Neural Processor solution to deploy AI at the very edge combining Software and Hardware approaches resulting from more than 3 years of development, together with CEA-List in a joint laboratory.
Read moreWhen a radiological attack occurs, first responders need fast, reliable, automated detection and measurement solutions to assess the situation safely. In research for the EU TERRIFFIC project, CEA-List helped develop a new device that does just that.
Read moreWhen Shor’s algorithm was discovered in 1994, it ignited the scientific community’s interest in quantum computing. Until now, however, it has been impossible to verify implementations of the algorithm for lack of appropriate tools. Researchers at CEA-List have filled this gap.
Read moreThe year 2021 was marked by a spectacular post-Covid economic recovery. Our year at CEA-List mirrors the dynamic broader context. Over the course of 2021 we seized the many new opportunities that presented themselves, starting new pump-priming research projects and expanding our research and innovation platforms.
Read moreVisual inspection is the most common technique used for the maintenance of civil engineering structures like bridges.
Read moreCEA List—a leader in haptic technologies—started developing its first training platform in 2011. Dubbed Skills, this tool provides a realistic way of simulating mandibular osteotomy surgery. CEA List, a member of the Carnot Network, leveraged its close relationships with surgeons, the Institut Faire Faces (IFF) headed by Prof. Bernard Devauchelle, and SimUSanté, the healthcare simulation … Continued
Read moreTo create trusted generative AI solutions, Thales’s AI Lab, the most powerful integrated laboratory for critical AI in Europe, and the CEA, which is one of the world’s most innovative research organisations and is listed alongside Thales in the Clarivate Analytics Top 100 Global Innovators, have joined forces to focus on a range of generative AI use cases, in particular for intelligence and command applications.
Read moreDawex and CEA today announced that they have signed a partnership agreement to create a joint Research & Development Laboratory.
Read moreOn March 7th, 2024, at Confiance.ai Day, Confiance.ai programme founding members (Air Liquide, Airbus, Atos, Naval Group, Renault Group, Safran, Sopra Steria, Thales, Valeo, CEA, Inria, IRT Saint Exupéry and IRT SystemX) revealed the methodology and the catalogue of technological components developed in the past three years to increase trustworthiness in AI-based critical systems.
Read moreData4Industry-X, launched on the 8th of february 2024 will enable organizations to innovate and operate services on distributed data, coming from various factories, organizations or countries, while keeping control over the data produced locally and abroad.
Read moreCEA-List and Obeo have initiated a collaboration to share their extensive, long-term experience in developing model-based software to serve a long-term vision for the web-based engineering tools of the future. The outcome will be multi-enterprise collaborative solutions, offering an augmented user experience and supporting emerging standards, like SysMLv2.
Read moreSiemens Digital Industries Software and CEA-List collaborate on research to further extend and enhance digital twin capabilities with artificial intelligence (AI) and embedded software.
Read moreParis Air Show: KUKA and the CEA announce their technological partnership on the Cobomanip
Read moreISYBOT, a French start-up designing collaborative robots for industry (cobots), has today raised €3 million from Saint-Gobain Surface Solutions, CEA Investissement and its historic investors (KAROT CAPITAL, CALAO FINANCE).
Read moreToposware’s Interoperability Protocol Nears Testnet Launch, Establishes Technology Advisory Council and Announces Addition to Board of Directors
Read moreDolphin Design and CEA-List have formed a new joint R&D lab of embedded systems. Their goal is to achieve the best tradeoff for Edge AI devices between SW flexibility, energy efficiency, and peak performance.
Read moreMass customization is a major challenge for the manufacturing industry. To stay ahead, factories must be able to constantly reconfigure their production lines while maintaining profitable yields.
Read moreLe CEA est un acteur majeur de la recherche, au service de l'État, de l'économie et des citoyens. Il apporte des solutions concrètes à leurs besoins dans quatre domaines principaux : transition énergétique, transition numérique, technologies pour la médecine du futur, défense et sécurité.